Document title: Scotland's mental health and its context: adults 2009

This report provides the first systematic assessment of mental health and its contextual factors for adults in Scotland. It analyses 45 indicators from the previously established national adult mental health indicator set. These cover both the state of mental health (positive mental health and mental health problems) and its context (including individual, community and structural factors). Where possible, the report provides an analysis of time trends over the last decade and equalities analysis by age, gender and either area-based deprivation or individual socio-economic status. A free-standing four page summary is also available.

Author(s): Martin Taulbut, Jane Parkinson, Sonnda Catto, David Gordon (all NHS Health Scotland)
Publisher(s): NHS Health Scotland / ScotPHO
Date published: 27 February 2009
Download / link to document:

Full report: Scotland's mental health and its context: adults 2009 (3Mb)

Related additional resources:

See the NHS Health Scotland website for further information on the national mental health indicators programme.