Homelessness: key data sources

Scottish Government administrative data

The Scottish Government collects data on the number of homelessness applications to each local authority in Scotland, and about people approaching the Housing Options homelessness prevention services. Annual and bi-annual publications are available. These data have the advantage that they use consistent definitions and are nationally comparable. However, since they include only those applying for statutory homelessness support, they are likely to provide an under-estimate of the true number of homeless people. They also contain only limited information on health issues and on rough sleeping.

Historical data from Scottish Household Survey

Until 2015, the Scottish Household Survey included questions on whether respondents had ever been homeless (defined as having lost one’s home with no alternative accommodation to go to) or threatened with homelessness, and whether they currently feel threatened by homelessness. These questions were dropped from the Survey in 2016 but provide historical data on rates of previous experiences of homelessness and housing insecurity.

Homelessness Monitor

The Homelessness Monitor provides an analysis of recent trends in homelessness and relevant policy documents, drawing on both qualitative and quantitative sources. Separate reports are produced for England, Scotland, and Wales. The most recent Homelessness Monitor for Scotland was published in 2021 (Watts et al 2021).

National linkage exercise

A major linkage project undertaken by analysts from the Scottish Government and National Records of Scotland has described the healthcare utilisation and mortality of a large cohort of people assessed as homeless after applying to their local authority for statutory support (Waugh et al 2018).