*** ARCHIVED ***

This ScotPHO web section has been archived and is no longer being updated or checked for accuracy, out of date information, broken links, etc. Its content should not be considered current or complete. This web section was archived on 9th May 2023. It was previously published under the Wider Determinants main menu heading.

Rurality: policy context - ARCHIVED


The Scottish Government has a Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 which funds a range of economic, social and environmental measures. It also supports the Scottish rural network, which facilitates rural development by sharing information, connecting rural communities, and participating in relevant policy developments. The SRDP also convenes a Rural Development Council that “considers how best rural Scotland can contribute to the creation of a more successful country, through increasing sustainable economic growth”. 

The SRDP was developed in response to Pillar 2 of the EU common Agricultural Policy.  It was co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.  The Agriculture (Retained EU Law and Data) (Scotland) bill was used to ensure the Pillar 2 funds for this programme continue after BREXIT, until 2024.

The vision for developing sustainable and accessible healthcare within remote and rural Scotland is laid out in the 2008 report titled Delivering for Remote and Rural Healthcare: The Final Report of the Remote and Rural Workstream.  This framework outlines ways to improve rural and remote primary care, secondary care, workforce, infrastructure, and emergency healthcare services. In more recent work by the faculty of remote and rural healthcare a capabilities framework is being developed. This framework aims to identify and outline the breadth of clinical and non-clinical practice and skills that are needed in remote and rural parts of Scotland. This framework is intended to act as a basis for health care course development and clinical examinations.