*** ARCHIVED ***

This ScotPHO web section has been archived and is no longer being updated or checked for accuracy, out of date information, broken links, etc. Its content should not be considered current or complete. This web section was archived on 9th May 2023. It was previously published under the Wider Determinants main menu heading.

Community wellbeing: key data sources - ARCHIVED

Community Planning Outcomes Profiles

The Improvement Service provide a range of support to local authorities in identifying and monitoring appropriate local indicators.

ScotPHO Profiles

ScotPHO's new profiles present a range of health related indicators for all Scottish local authorities and Health Boards, with much of this information also available at Intermediate Zone level.  Each profile provides a rich picture of both health determinants (e.g. education, employment, housing) and health outcomes (mortality, substance use, ill-health) at a local level.

New Economics Foundation (national accounts of wellbeing website)

The New Economics Foundation has launched a new website called 'national accounts of wellbeing' with tools, reports and resources for measuring individual, community and national wellbeing.

The International Association for Community Development

Scottish Community Development Centre

The Scottish Community Development Centre has a range of resources available that could be relevant.

Scottish Health Survey

The Scottish Health Survey collects data on involvement in the local community, influence over decisions that affect the local area, general and neighbourhood trust through a biennial module.   

Scottish Household Survey

A Scottish Government survey whose aims include informing policy on transport and social justice. This survey collects information on issues like community safety, satisfaction with neighbourhood and community involvement at a local authority level.

Scottish Statistics

The Scottish Statistics web site provides a range of relevant data - for example, caring responsibilities, perceptions of neighbourhood, views on services and voter turnout - at various geographical levels.

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey

The 2007 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (SSAS) included a number of questions designed to measure subjective wellbeing. An analysis of Subjective perceptions of well-being in Scotland, based on the results of this survey, was published in 2008.